A Greyhound Betting Strategy in New Zealand

Greyhound betting is available via the best online betting sites in New Zealand. It is one of those sports where it can be tough finding the best odds on the best races, but with our online greyhound betting site comparisons, you won’t have to look very hard to find great wagering opportunities.

To get the most reward from your greyhound bets , it is helpful to make use of some betting strategies. Betting strategy should not be seen as a sure fire money maker, but they definitely will help you make informed, confident decisions that will let you increase your winning odds.

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Picking Your Grey Hounds

Just like horse racing betting, when deciding on which dogs to back in a greyhound race, look to the dog’s previous race results for an indication of his performance. If he has been consistent in at least 5 previous races, back him. If he is returning from an injury or has been out of a few races, wait first to analyze his performance and then bet on the next race he or she appears in.

You can also take into consideration how the dogs look in their kennels, if they are spirited or sad, just like with trace horses. Many people also believe in the superstition that some dogs prefer to start races from certain traps, which may hold some truth to it but we won’t go as far as to consider this a reliable strategy.

Where to Find The Best Greyhound Betting Odds

Online sports betting odds are not fixed in stone. A set determines what they think are the best odds by statistical analysis and other methods. The odds provided can usually rise or fall depending on the amount of backers for favourites and outsiders.

For the best greyhound racing betting odds, you can rely on our comparison lists to show you where the most favorable greyhound odds are. It may sound like a no brainer, but since the odds are so fluid, part of the betting strategy in greyhound racing also knows when to bet. Follow some of the best sportsbooks like Palmerbet to find the greatest and most accurate odds online.

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In the case of the odds changing as people back outsiders, many times the hound that was listed as a favorite originally will start to get lower odds. It’s important to note the odds as they are released and then compare that to later in the day. Backing the original favorite is usually the best bet.

Decide Your Betting Behaviour

Key to any greyhound betting strategy is to decide how and where you want to bet. There is a flood of betting options online so it helps you keep a focused mindset when betting if you first know all the possible ways to bet and what bet format feels the best for you. Explore the best sports betting tips online to find a good strategy and betting pattern that works for you.

Many people prefer straight bets as they are simple and have good odds. Others prefer to hedge their bets with for instance quenelle bets where you can pick more than one greyhound and simply need to pick who finishes in the top tier. It is also important to figure out and stick to a betting budget in order to get the moist rewarding online greyhound betting experience.

TOP Greyhound Betting SITESMarch 2025
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