eSports Betting Strategy and Tips in New Zealand

One of the newest editions to online sports betting is eSports betting. The inclusion of online computer games in the world of sports betting has proven massively popular.

Luck pretty much all of the betting forms and formats could easily be transferred to online gaming structures. Your eSports bets can be made with real money, online, as soon as you have setup your sports betting account.

Not only do we list and compare the best sports betting sites, but we also provide great tips to get the best from your online betting.

TOP eSports Betting SITESMarch 2025
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League Of Legends Betting Action

League of Legends is easily one of the most popular games to wager on. Great LoL eSports betting can be found at various sites.

Some of the teams to keep an eye on include Invictus Gaming, Edward Gaming, Cloud9, Team SoloMid and Team Dignitas.

Just like when you place AFL bets online, before placing any bets, make sure to read up on the individual teams and their members. There are many online sources that can provide in-depth info on player tactics and how different play styles will affect different matchups.

Real Money Counter Strike Betting

For faster paced and action packed gaming, Counter Strike offers the best real money eSports betting opportunities. This first person game has a huge following of gamers and the sports betting on offer can be as nail biting as betting on horse races.

Again, proper research before a CS: GO game is essential. You can check out the opinions of various gaming analysts to make the most informed decision when you do start to take part in real money betting.

TOP eSports Betting SITESMarch 2025
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StarCraft 2 Betting

The original Star Craft lives on in gaming infamy as one of the most influential; gaming titles of all time. With its sequel, Blizzard has upped the stakes and provided and immensely competitive platform for gamers to take part in.

For eSports betting on a game supremely based on strategy, it doesn’t get much better than StarCraft 2. The best tip for StarCraft 2 betting is to learn the basics of the game. Knowing what strategies each player is employing and knowing what can be countered by what will place you head and shoulders above other bettors.

Unlike regular sports, you know from the start what each team’s basic strategy will be as the players start building their bases. Explore more of our amazing sports betting tips to find great insights into betting on virtually any sport you can find in New Zealand today.

Do Not Bet On Every eSports Match

One of the best tips when you first sign up to an eSports betting site is to avoid betting on all games. Despite the huge variety of possible bets to place, it’s best to make a few smart bets rather than many generalized bets.

It’s important to always stay on top of your bankroll and manage it effectively before you end up with a limited budget. Many of the options in eSports are very similar to live betting in New Zealand, meaning that things can change really quickly, and good bankroll management will be the difference between winning and losing for punters.

Study eSports Teams And Players Before Placing a Bet

Remember there is a vast network for eSports fans that provide great analyses online of all the games, events and players. These news sources help you to make informed wagers each time you play.

Knowing popular tactics or specific weaknesses of a team or individual player is key to becoming a successful mobile betting eSports champion.

TOP eSports Betting SITESMarch 2025
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